Logo Design Blues?

Are you having the Logo Design Blues?

There you are seated on your desk staring at the canvas and your client logo design is due on Monday.  You are definitely having the Logo Design Blues. –> But how do you get out of it?

The irony is that you are looking at a blank canvas and your mind is also blank!

You have zero clues as to what you are going to put in the space right in front of you to make the design process going.

If you have been designing for any length of time, then you are probably aware that having the Logo Design Blues and not being able to get ideas to move your designs forward.

For the new designers however, this is not some sort of a terminal disease hence you need not to go and jump to the ground from the tenth floor because you don’t know what to design.

As designers, sometimes we run out of inspiration and since it is like a fuel to our “design engine”, it needs to be replenished to keep us moving.

Here is exactly what you can do when you are stumped to overcome the blank page whenever you are trying to design a logo.


Logo Design Blues

Read Everything You Can Find Around

When you get the Logo Design Blues, read as many materials as you can find.

Leave you design desk or studio and take a walk down to the library and look for magazines and books which you can get some design inspiration from.

Head over to the children section and look at the various illustrations on the book covers.

Be keen on the use of colors, fonts, and other design aspects so that you can try to give your creative mind something to talk about.

With all the information and the materials in the library, it will take just a few minutes before your creative mind kicks back and you start visualizing the kind of design you would like to implement.


Hop Online to Behance or Dribble

Hopping to creative sites, you can unearth immeasurable sources of design inspiration each time you feel that you are unable to come up with something.

The good thing about the internet is that you can get very specific information and inspiration for each and every design you are working on.

All you have to do is search for your inspiration ideas for the industry in which you want to design a logo on any of the creative sites, you will be presented with more information than you care to check each into details.

The internet is a quick way to get your mind thinking and hurling design ideas to you so that you don’t get stumped each and every time you need to work on a new design project.


Check Out Your Local Street Art!

The street is another awesome place to get design inspiration if you feel you are stumped.

Take a walk down your streets while observing the various arts made by the street artists in your area.

These could be in form of wall painting or graffiti, and though you may not have noticed them before, you will be amazed at how they become apparent and unfold before your eyes when you are in great need of design inspirations.

Some of the street artists are usually very skilled and out of their works, you can draw an inspiration or two.


Your City’s Architecture

While still taking a walk down the streets and looking at the street art for inspirations, why don’t you also start looking at the city architecture with particular reference to some of the prominent buildings?

You will discover that there is always some design inspiration that had led the city architects to come up with the various city buildings.

This is a great way to relieve the Logo Design Blues!  It’s simply relaxing and enjoyable.  Take a cool picture with your iPhone or android and post it!

Try and give the various building design meanings and out of this, you are likely to understand the inspiration behind the structures, and this might as well be your source of inspiration when you get stumped.


Look at Your Past Logos

If you have been designing logos for any length of time and you feel the logo design blues, take out your past works and start looking at them while thinking about what might have inspired you to come up with the designs.

This won’t just refresh your creative memory but also it can make you get new inspirations from your past works.


Do Away With the Fatigue

Not everyone who has the logo design blues usually lack the ability to come up with something creative.

Sometimes it is because the mind is tired and is refusing to be creative.

Perhaps you have been working for a long time without taking a considerable rest, and now your mind could be reminding you that it would be an appropriate to take that rest.

Perhaps all you need to regain your creativity is doing some exercises and freshen up your mind, body and soul and you will find yourself overcoming the blank canvas.


Check out these design trends for 2016 for more inspiration!

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About Jayden Hughes

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